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El passat 2 de febrer vam celebrar l’esperat English Day. Com ja és tradició al nostre centre, cada curs dediquem un dia a la immersió lingüística i cultural d’un país de llengua anglesa.  Aquest any celebrem el Waitangi Day o Dia de Nova Zelanda.

Un dia on tot s'enfoca a conèixer aquest país, el més llunyà a nosaltres i tan diferent social i culturalment. Durant el dia s’ha representat i ballat la Haka a tots els cursos des de la Llar d’infants fins a l’últim grup de l’ESO, s’han creat insígnies d’ocells representatius del país, s’han après paraules en maori i s’han dissenyat màscares típiques.

A més a més, a l’hora de menjador es va poder degustar un menú típic del país amb banderoles de Nova Zelanda als plats i es va practicar el rugbi, esport nacional, durant les hores d’esbarjo.

Ha estat un dia molt enriquidor i dinàmic que ha permès a tots els nostres nens i nenes a aprofundir en la llengua i cultura anglesa i maori.


Last February 2nd we celebrated, as every year, the long- awaited English Day. As is tradition in our centre, each course dedicates a day to the linguistic and cultural immersion of an English-speaking country. This year we celebrate Waitangi Day or New Zealand Day.

A day where everything is focused on getting to know this country, the furthest from us and so different socially and culturally. During the day, the Haka was performed and danced in all grades, from kindergarten to the last group of ESO, badges of birds representative of the country were created, Maori words were learned and tipi masks were designed.

In addition, at lunchtime it was possible to taste a typical menu of the country with New Zealand banners on the dishes and rugby, a national sport, was practiced during recreational hours. It has been a very enriching and dynamic day that has allowed all our children to delve into the English and Maori language and culture.

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